Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Kashmir Saturday Night 11/18

Hey, I don't know what everyone is up to this weekend, but I am going to head out to Durty Nellies tomorrow night and catch Kashmir. For those that don't know, it is a Led Zeppelin cover band. They are pretty damn good! So if you want to do some drinking and hear some fine music, I will see you there! Keep on Truckin'


The Friendly Hebrew said...

Sorry buddy, but i will be in dekalb for a country concert with drisc, bobby, jess, elizabeth and amy so you can count us out, hope you have fun

Davey Boy said...

I will only go if Jay beats someone up during the show...

Stash the Polock said...

Might go. Know i will be drinking early because of the Michigan/Ohio State game. And you Mr. Mroz, of all people, should know that once you start drinking it's hard to stop.

I bet you 50 bucks that the crackhead skinny guitar player lost even more weight then the last time i saw him. He's probably down to like 75lbs, dripping wet!!!

Biff said...

That was the worst show I have seen in a while. They sucked more dick than Doogie Howser.