DATE: November 23rd.
TIME: 10:00am
PLACE: Field by Woody's House
Official Turkey Bowl Message:
On Tuesday Nov. 21st. will be the Turkey Bowl draft at the Kitchen Bar. I will be making a list of eligable players who will be there. Please post wether you will be there or not. Also I need 2 Coaches/ Captains for the game. These people will be responsible for drafting the teams. The teams will be posted on the blog after they have been picked. There will not be phone calls to make sure people are there, just show up. Also the teams will have colors with them as well, and wear the team color.
The Turkey Bowl President
What is this malarky??? All fine and good, but noon is way too late in the day. Not sure if you've been to a Turkey Bowl, Mr.President, but it needs to be early in the morning. 10AM is as about as early as these guys will show up, if that. We must make sure we even get a spot on the field. Just keep it in mind. Note: not it for captain!!!
Oh sorry matty, 10 am is fine with me. And yes I played turkey bowl last year, and since you never stop bitching about how nobody ever takes charge of football well there ya go buddy. I did, and now you wine like a sissy. Your off the team
Sounds like Varveris just volunteered for captain....
And unless Mroz has eaten a whole lot of grapes this weak, I would imagine his last comment was a whine, not a wine.
Don't try to go against the organizing powers of the Davey Boy.
I will crush you!!!
Davey Boy ProperSpelling
P.S. Thanks for taking the lead on this one...
Ludes - Was that English?
My grammar is no good when it comes to speaking Schmelzer...
The Ghost play for sure, but a dentist appt will keep me from going to the kitchen on the 21st. I also do not want to be a captain.
and if we ever want to play another boys/girls game I have some thoughts that would make the game better
I would be captain, i would also play topless, but I am going to be somewhere in the middle of nowhere (that would be the middle of iowa), but I will be home on the friday, but only then caue i have to go to wisconsin... but all of this means nothing cause i can't play, and Davey i can't believe you are going to take that from some punk ass schmelzer...
schmelzer uses computers for 3 things and 3 things only.
1. fantasy baseball
2. porno
3. giving people crap
Oh you can take the lead on this one, that is fine by me, but some helpful hints will only prevent you from fucking it up!! Something so minor as what time we play and all. Note: I was not whining, helping...and not it for captain.
Call me Captain Davey Jones
Ok so if anyone is reading this good for you. Draft tomorrow night at the Kitchen. So far here is who will be playing: Captain Dave, Captain Jew, Timmy, Drisc, Norm, Fonz, Mroz, Biff, Schmelz, Steve, Wyz, B-Little, Garrett, Jew Lover (patrick), Bobby. These are for sure. Also we might have Jordan and Nathan, Garretts two brothers, Sally, Mikie O, Jaro, and anyone else you can think of. Let me know
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