Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Monday, October 09, 2006


OK....IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN! Sunday, October 15th (this sunday), we shall play the fooseball!!! If you are in and ready to crack the rust off, be there at 11:30AM so we can at least start by 12:30PM!!! I expect enough guys due to growing anticipation for the season opener. I do not want to hear "Are we going to have enough guys?" The answer is shut the fuck up and let me worry about it. Just show up and get ready to play some FOOTBALL finally!!!!! ....and Keep on Truckin'


Biff said...

We need to have a good showing so the cruise after the game is rewarding.

Davey Boy said...

I can get a guy for the week after...

I will be in Peoria this weekend - not that I could play anyway...

The Friendly Hebrew said...

I have a work meeting at 12:30, but i am going to try and get out of it, cause i know what is more important

Steve said...

I am trying to get a buddy from work to play.

Mats Mrozov said...

Injured guys no worries, we should have enough. Right on Jew!! Hizzah Biff and Steve, Hizzah!!