Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Once....how about twice..IN A ROW!!!

Yes, yes, it happened!! WE PLAYED FOOTBALL!!! And it was a great turn out. So thank you to all of you that made it. We are going to play again this following weekend of 10/22. Game time is at 12:30pm. So please show up around noon. I will be there by 1:15 at the latest. Don't be gay, I don't need to be there for you guys to play! So everyone count on playing football for a second week in a row. Everyone from this past weekend confirmed they'd show, plus we may have some additions (Please still spread the word to those that don't visit the site). ON another note....would you guys be interested if I organized a guys and girls touch or flag football game??? Would be kind of fun. Just a thought. Mark your calendars for SUNDAY!!!!!!! GO BEARS!!


Steve said...

Honbetly how many girls do you see even playing? maybe 2, 3 at the most? I will be awaiting to see Biff stiff arm someones girlfriend in the face.

Biff said...

Why would I do that Steve? We have had a girl play before and I did not stiff arm her. So why would I start now. If it happens it happens. Girls should not be out there, but if they do show up to play anything is possible.

Mats Mrozov said...

Yes, he is. Maybe he won't be able to play if he keeps up this stiff arm talk. Well, the point is to get them out there and let them realize why we play and they don't. Plus, they will have a blast. I can think of at least six or more girls that might be interested in playing. Patrick your girl will, mine will, Erin, Vanessa, Megan, Jessica, Gina, The Jew's girl (Amy), Kim, Norm's girl, etc...I could find more! How bout your girl Steve????

Mats Mrozov said...

Norm's girlfriend is Megan too. I forgot and remembered. Sorry Norm.

Davey Boy said...


Biff said...

The only stiff arm I would dish out is to Patrick if he would show up. But the last time he played football he got rocked by Garrett and has not been seen since.

~E said...

Have you ever wondered why I don't play softball? It's because I cannot catch or throw a ball, let alone while running around. Sorry guys, I be totally happy to watch :)

Mats Mrozov said...

Erin, that attitude is no good!! If that happens to be the case, you better be there to watch. Hizah Patrick! Does anyone know how to spell Hizah? Is that right? The date is all dependent on when Woody throws his bash?!?!?! Most likely NOVEMBER something.....on a Saturday.

Davey Boy said...

I'll be there around 1:15 myself, though all I could possibly play is all-time QB. If someone brings a video camera I could tape the game....

Biff said...


Steve said...


Stash the Polock said...

I agree with Steve, only a couple of girls will show up, and they will be big dude/bush-looking lesbians, like Vanessa. Oh did I say that out loud Sorry!!! Oh yeah and Stash is coming out of retirement and will try to be there this Sunday. Mark me down as Probable to start this Sunday, thanks!!!

Mats Mrozov said...

who the hell are you??? And your wrong!! Wrong!!

Stash the Polock said...

Fuck off Mroz, it's Bielat!!!!
You know i'm right!!!

Stash the Polock said...

Fuck off Mroz, it's Bielat!!!!
You know i'm right!!!

Stash the Polock said...

Sorry for the 2 posts. My computer is fucked up!

Mats Mrozov said...

I finally figured that out! Damn secret identities!!!!