Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Is it ever going to happen?

Are we ever going to play football? The answer right now is NO. I am getting sick of playing Madden. If we are ever going to get a game in the earliest would be on the 15th of October because the Bears have a Monday night game at Arizona. The following weekend the Bears have a bye week. So make up your minds who want to play. I know I can get some guys to play but I am not organizing this. We should voice our opinions about the best possible date. That is all for me on this subjuct for now.


Davey Boy said...

I'd love to but I reinjured my ankle on Monday. I will be lucky to play in the Turkey Bowl...

Biff said...

That is bad news Dave because you are one of the few who does show up.

The Friendly Hebrew said...

Like I said before, i am in any time, just let me know. Even if Biff you want to meet by the fields and throw the ball around, i will meet ya there. Hey who knows, it may catch on that people throw a football around on sundays, and before we know it, we can play a game.

Mats Mrozov said...

Seriously lets not be gay! We can play football. Nobody wants to step up and take the responsibility of planning it, I will. My mono crisis ends this Sunday,so I will be ready to play by the 15th. I will set the date with everyone for the 15th. All anyone can do is spread the word and be positive about it. As soon as someone says "oh it won't happen" -or- "we'll never get enough guys" is when it all goes to shit. So be patient!! Football is going to happen!!!!

Biff said...

Hey Mroz, I set out the date of the 15th or 22nd. These dates are the ones I can see this possibly happening. I know we might be able to get around ten if the time is right. By that I mean tell everyone 1130 so it can start by 1. There are no distractions with the Bears.