Well, due to these recent events, I am going to steal the date of November 11th and propose the wonderful idea of guys and girls football. Most of you laugh, but it will be fun. So please notify your women, except for those guys who don't have any (don't worry you can still play, except Biff-and you know why you son of a bitch). It will be two hand touch and at 1pm, rain or shine. Ladies, hike it up! I already have confirmation from at least 6 girls who are willing to play. If this goes to the shitter, the guys can just play, no worries. Please don't be jerkoffs, if you don't like the idea, great, don't show up or talk about how you think it is a bad idea because guess what? I don't give a shit! Keep on Truckin'
I'm going to be in town, so count me in. Why can't Biff play!?!?!? that's so not fair.....
Sounds good to me, but if i tackle a girl, it's not my fault. Also what time we callin it for tomorrow. 1ish is good or earier is cool too. It is going to be good and sloppy and should be more fun then last week.
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