Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


OK, it's settled. Hallowgiving will officially be celebrated on Saturday, November 11th. What better place to show your love of turkey and costume dress-ups like a party in Pekin, where dressing up in "costumes" was invented... Everyone is more than welcome to come down and hang out on Friday the 10th.

We will be in charge of supplying a bird large enough to feed a "clan" of guests and a keg of delcious "pale" ale. You all are responsible for the rest... Please post what you will be bringing, and if you are a pussy and want a punch in the face...post a reason why you won't be able to attend, and wait for YOURS!!! Girlfriends are not only invited, but encouraged. Just a reminder, as Wyz can attest, we have a hot tub and the experience is probably even better with someone else in it.... Also, costumes are a requirement to get into the house, drink our beer and eat our bird (all the "white" meat you can handle).

Tell your friends...


Stash the Polock said...

Hell yeah Woodrow!!! Bielat is in, might bring a guest. Will let you know what i'm bringing to eat later!!!

Mats Mrozov said...

I'm down, not sure about Deanne, but you will for sure see my beautiful smiling face!! And more if your lucky...hehehe!

The Friendly Hebrew said...

Woodrow, I am in but don't know about amy. I will bring enough stuffing to feed a small army. I got a couple different recipies that i can try out. If you need something ele let me know