Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Friday, December 22, 2006


Scandle rocked Hanover Park last Saturday when local business owner Tony Durante said goodbye to his resturant Frankly Yours. Durante sold the business last Saturday to some other guy. Popular for it's low prices and frendly atmosphere, Frankly Yours was a popular hangout for local familys. Robert Engleman said, "This is my last meal at Franklys" on Friday, as he will no longer go there. The resturant was noticeable empty on Friday without table number 7 filled up, mostly because they do not have beer there anymore, due to a change in liquor license. "Things won't ever be the same here. I feel like a lost puppy with nowhere to go", said Andrew J. Driscol. This reporter is shocked.


Anonymous said...

You can't be serious. What the F!!! That is some serious BS. Did they say anything to you guys? I wonder how much they sold it for. Man, that is aggravating. Looks like you guys need to find a new hangout.

Chrissy Hotdogs said...

That does suck. I am going to seriously miss franklys. its an end of an era my friends, and by the Matt the proper terms would be "fuck" and "Bullshit"....f and bs....you pussy