Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Canoeing Trip

I found this picture and had to use it....

This is a good reason why we should let girls come canoeing with us


Stash the Polock said...

We will. I think we should do one with just the guys and another one with the girls.

Steve said...

is it possible for you guys to do anything without your girlfriends, its a fishing trip for fuck sake. As much as we all love the ladies lets be realistic, they dont belong on a fishing trip. If you guys want to plan a seperate guys/girls trip then feel free but i dont even think that many girls will go anyway.

Steve said...

i think you can survive 3 days without them.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I think it would be hillarious with girls. I can picture myself swearing at Jessica for everything that goes wrong. Dont get me wrong I hate spending time with my girlfriend as much as the next guy, but I am in for this.(its kind of like the football thing) Drisc

Mats Mrozov said...

ILL advised to bring girls. Seriously. No good. This is a chance to get away from the girls for a weekend, be wasted, and do whatever we want. I recommend just camping for girls. I sure as hell am not going to want to have to row a canoe with a girl. I already partnered with you once Jay, it is just too much work. Hold back the tears, it is only a weekend apart!

Jay said...

Just because your girlfriend wouldn't go, steve, doesn't mean anyone elses wouldn't. I can spend time apart without michelle, but I choose not to because I have fun with her. She was the one who asked if she could come on the trip in the first place. I like the "guys" trip and everything, and I agree it should stay that way. Im just saying maybe one time let the girls that want to go, go. Another thing...it's not like we go fucking crazy and do very "manly" things on this trip. You guys are sounding like if the girls came they would be shocked at all the stuff that happens. WE FLOAT DOWN RIVER FISHING WHILE DRUNK...I don't even care that much...it's just really funny that you care that much who comes canoeing

Biff said...

What is wrong with trying. If you guys try it with girls who are willing to go and they do not like it, oh well. There is nothing wrong with the idea. Have your fun with the ladies.