I know not many of you have met my friends outside of Krista and Michelle, but if any of you are interested in contributing or coming to a benefit dinner on behalf of one of my very close friends who is in need, I would greatly appreciate it. My friend, Al Visco (on the right-not the terrorist), had a kidney transplant when we were in Junior High/High School after both his kidneys failed. Up until recently he was very healthy and married and started a family with another one of my close friends. I was sad to hear at our annual Halloween party that the kidney that was given to him by his father failed and that he was back on dialysis and unable to work. Due to his condition he has never been able to get insurance. His family and friends have decided to hold a benefit dinner to help him with all the bills, etc as he has been unable to work. It will be on Saturday the 16th at 7:00pm at the Winfield House. It is too late to take part in the dinner because the restaurant needed the final head count by this morning, but if you came by later the cover would be about $20-25 which would be given to him. If you have other plans and would still like to contribute please let me know how much you’d be willing to donate. Thanks!
BTW, the Winfield House is a bar and my friend's are crazy partiers, so it should be a pretty good time.
Sorry I will not be able to attend because my family christmas party Saturday night. But i would love to contribute 25 dollars to your friend. Let me know how you would like me to get you the money.
If Dave doesn't see you before Saturday, he will front the money and you can pay him back later. Thanks, that's super nice of you!!
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