Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Decisions, Decisions....

Okay boys, I need some help.

The Chilly Bowl date is apparently up in the air. If it is on the day after Christmas, three Uncles will be missing. An alternate date of December 23 has also been suggested.

So make a choice and let me know - December 23 or December 26?


The Friendly Hebrew said...

Dave, Either of the two dates work for me. If I had to pick one, the 23rd would be best cause I might have stuff to do on the 26th. So I am picking the 23rd

~E said...

Dave, rememebr that we have Dennis' & Amy's party the 23rd in St. Charles... No getting out of that one. If you think you will be functional go ahead.

Davey Boy said...

Yeah cause I'll miss the Chilly Bowl for that.....

Biff said...

26th is the best

Mats Mrozov said...

I have to work on the 26th, so no can do. David, don't sass your mother like that!!!

~E said...

Correction to my comment... Dave, remember that we have Dennis' & Amy's party the 23rd in St. Charles (in the evening)... WE can't get out of going to that one. If you think you will be able to continue to party the rest of the night, go ahead and have it on the 23rd.

Norm said...

Any day is fine for me, even like the 30th would work, or a hangover open on new years day.

Davey Boy said...

The 23rd is the date - sorry for the confusion...