Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Who wants to get their roll on?

Bowling this evening at Hoffman at 7:30. It is pre bowling for the lousy bowlers, but anyone can come. I think Im going to get another lane too. The softball league sounds pretty cool. I think what would be best for us is to start an entire league with our own rules. I vote for the must drink beer rule. We can try to get 5-10 teams together, go to a vacant field, drink and play softball a couple times a week. Then it wouldn't be so intense on the winning and losing. We can call it 'The Drunken Sunday league'' and it doesnt have to be on Sunday. Anywho, Golf sounds cool too. I'm in for whatever. Especially the blow up doll racing. Davey Boy please look in to that so we don't miss it next year. Everyone have a great day. Until next time...stay classy Manti Men.

Granddaddy 'D'


Davey Boy said...

Where's the picture Drisc? Luckily I had one waiting for you...

Norm said...

Drisc, I believe our league is over. Last week was week 15 of 15 so I do not think we can prebowl

Stash the Polock said...

That is the hottest fucking mullet i have ever seen!!!

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