Hello again. Okay here's the story, I just need ONE more person to help me out. This Saturday I am moving, and I am short one helper. This is what they need to do. They would help my brother load a UHAUL and then drive it to me here. Before you say this idea sucks, hear me out. When that person gest here they DO NOT unload, and they will be given beer and pizza (unless they prefer different food). This person would also have a ride home in the morning. there isn't much to load: a TV, futon, 8 small boxes, a table, coffee table and end table plus a minifridge. Everything is already DISASSEMBLED!!! I just need ONE person, anyone who would like to help is more than welcome. Somebody please post or call me. I am offering a case of beer and dinner to the helper for very little work followed by a night of getting wasted with my brother,Patrick, and I.......any questions call me or post.
What time on Saturday? And whatever happened to good ol' crap face?
Saturday morning My dad gets the truck. so I would say 9 am or so, its not much to move then you drive a truck, After that you can sit on your ass and drink. afterwards we get drunk, you can crash and get a ride in the morning. I think good ol' crap face is somewhere doing onderful things with wonderful people
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