Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Mini Golf Outing

Since alot of us are on a golf kick the past few weeks, there was talk about a possible mini outing around Sept. 23rd. Courses we were looking at were Schaumburg, Villa Olivia, Doral Eaglewood, and Bartlett Hills. Would like to get a good group out there to play. I will post in the comments the costs per course and we can take some votes or recommendations for other places to play. We are looking to start around 3 or 3:30 to get in the twilight rates to decrease the costs. Was a good weekend and look forward to the Holiday weekend.


Norm said...

Doesnt have to be the 23rd, can be another weekend everyone is free. Here are the prices I found:

Before 3:30-$52 with cart
After 3:30-$32 with cart
Non Residet-
Before 3:30-$67 with cart
After 3:30-$47 with cart

Villa Olivia
Before 3 $59.50 with cart
After 3 $35 with cart

Doral Eaglewood
Before 3 $ 55 with cart
After 3 $ 36 with cart

Bartlett Hills
Before 1pm $49 with cart
Between 1-3 pm $44 with cart
After 3pm $37 with cart

Non Resident-
Before 1pm $60 with cart
1-3 pm $50 with cart
After 3pm $43 with cart

Give plenty of time to save the money to play, after 3pm, not that bad of a price with a cart. Any Day we play is fine, just want to get something together, it will be fun for sure.

Biff said...

Norm if we do golf at Bartlett Hills you do realize that we also have the 2 for 1 deals through the players pass. That would make it even cheaper.

The Friendly Hebrew said...

I am also in, and Frankly's has all those passes to ville olivia for 2 for 1 also

The Friendly Hebrew said...

When I was at the driving range tonight with Fonz, i picked up 2 buy one get one free for villa olivia. So we have those.

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