Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Anyone up for some donkey softball?

Who wants to get their roll on?

Bowling this evening at Hoffman at 7:30. It is pre bowling for the lousy bowlers, but anyone can come. I think Im going to get another lane too. The softball league sounds pretty cool. I think what would be best for us is to start an entire league with our own rules. I vote for the must drink beer rule. We can try to get 5-10 teams together, go to a vacant field, drink and play softball a couple times a week. Then it wouldn't be so intense on the winning and losing. We can call it 'The Drunken Sunday league'' and it doesnt have to be on Sunday. Anywho, Golf sounds cool too. I'm in for whatever. Especially the blow up doll racing. Davey Boy please look in to that so we don't miss it next year. Everyone have a great day. Until next time...stay classy Manti Men.

Granddaddy 'D'

Why Wasn't I informed?

I didn't know you guys were going on another rafting trip on Tuesday!


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More Fantasy Football....

I need two guys for my other league - Roscoe's Revenge

League ID#: 385545
Password: oklahoma


I am also in an ESPN league through work that needs some people. Email me if you want in!


Monday, August 28, 2006

IN for Softball

Isn't that kind of expensive for just 8 games? Seriously, you need to make sure that if we spend that much money per person, everyone who joins the team shows up to every game (unless they have a fantastic/reasonable excuse) and actually tries hard, because otherwise that is a waste of time and money (Like that Tues. night league we were just in for example). So I'm IN, but only if it is worth my while. Sorry to be gay, but honestly, it is no fun otherwise. Keep on Truckin' -----it won't let post a picture again.

Mini Golf Outing

Since alot of us are on a golf kick the past few weeks, there was talk about a possible mini outing around Sept. 23rd. Courses we were looking at were Schaumburg, Villa Olivia, Doral Eaglewood, and Bartlett Hills. Would like to get a good group out there to play. I will post in the comments the costs per course and we can take some votes or recommendations for other places to play. We are looking to start around 3 or 3:30 to get in the twilight rates to decrease the costs. Was a good weekend and look forward to the Holiday weekend.

Indoor Sotball

Yes indeed you read the headline correctly. I just checked the Schaumburg Catalog and indoor softball starts on October 23rd. We can either play Monday (16") or Tuesday (12"). The cost for the team is roughly $900 - that means $90 a guy for 8 games plus playoffs.

Let Steve or myself know if you would like to play.

Davey Boy Crapshoes

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Its a sad day

The world is coming to an end as we know it. Pluto is no longer considered a Planet. Next, Uranus will no longer be a planet and the joke will not be as funny. Just a fact everyone needs to know about. Golf Saturday, lets get something planned!

I got a lot of problems with you guys!

Ok so I got a lot of problems with you guys, and your gonna hear about it. Dave, what the hell. You change the draft day of the football league, and you don't tell anyone? You made the damn blog, and you can't post it? Fonz, I am into your fantasy hockey stuff, but you went ahead and scheduled the draft on my birthday. I won't be around for that. Then we have the K-Man..or as I should say, the WHO man? This guy only posts to the Drisc, and frankly I want to come to Iowa and kick your ass, but I know once i got there, you would be so happy to have someone there, i wouldn't want to break your spirits so i couldn't do it. So what I am saying is have a damn party, post it to everyone, and lets do it so Iowa Norm can come out and play. That is all.

Fantasy Hockey

League ID# 6919
Password: paulnewmankicksass

Hockey Season Is Around The Corner!!!!

Blackhawks Home Opener is Saturday October 7.Tickets go on sale Saturday September 16. Whoever wants to go let me know soon. Looking to sit on the 200 level for a change.Bobby if you don't go the bitch will be forever in your name but if you do go and I mean actually walk through the gates this time the bitch will be removed and only used at convenient times.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Just for Fagtrick

I don't cheat you son of a bitch!!! ..... and your post is way too long!!! Hahahahaha...you are all gonna burn....BURN! ......sorry.....fag...........Keep on Truckin'

Monday, August 21, 2006

Get Ready!!!

Well, i have to say that was one of the best canoe trips yet! Fantastic! But the real reason I am here is to throw out a warning to you all. It is August 21st which means September is just a couple weeks away. Besides Woodrow's and my awesome b-days, FOOTBALL is coming!!! Cumming hard and fast! So be ready, we can still fit in a couple softball games, but preseason shall be starting in the next couple weeks. I shall keep you all posted. Keep on Truckin'

God of Scrabble

Cheating sons of bitches! Apparently analteesn,ax,and dux are all not words but analteesn can be found on porn sites and both ax and dux are words found in the dictionary. So I put these glorious words on the scrabble board and 2 people jealous of my large vocabulary said Naaaaawwwww those aren't words.Analteesn I will accept is not a word but should be.All I have to say is rematch cheaters.

Good Times

Thanks to everyone who came by this weekend. We had a good time and ate some good pork and chicken and beans with salsa. Thanks to E for making the beans and salsa. Also Woody is was nice to see you and the wife. We will do it again with more meat next time. Golf this weekend is good for me, so when and where and I am in. Dave and I will take on all challengers.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Wisconsin River here we come AGAIN

Get ready for the rain. This should make for an interesting trip. Everyone not going, enjoy your meat. Ill catch up with you next week. Until next time...stay classy Manti Men. The Disappointer

Thursday, August 17, 2006


First of all....Dave, when the hell are we golfing on Saturday. Also as some of you know if you are not going on the river trip you are welcome to my house for some good bbq. We are gonna fire up the smoker and make some pulled pork sammys. As far as i know those who will be attending are as follows: Garrett, Bobby, Fonz, Bre, Norm, Meg, maybe the triplets. Bring some beer over if you want, we plan on hangin by the pool and relaxing. Also to the Fonz (who will supply the meat) we probally need a lot of it. Also if you have not ordered it, you should get on that. It takes about 14 hours to smoke or so, so it will be going in the smoker early sat morning. If you are bowling tonight, see ya there.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Two more fantasy football leagues

I still want to do my fantasy league on rtsports.com for $25 per person, but I also have another league that is a little different, but with more payout possiblities. Its $100 per person for 17 weeks, you just make your picks for who is going to win each game and put the rankings next to them, 16 definite win, 1 not so definite, highest points per week wins money and overall over 17 weeks. Looks to be over 80 teams so over $8000 in prize money. Let me know if you are interested. the website is ifp2k.com, my team is Ace in the Hole so if you sign up, make sure to put that in and I get a referral.

Nobody Smokes like Joe Rogan

He can rip a bong with the best of them. Looks like he gets high and plays Doom.

Dennis Leary Hates Mel Gibson

If you love Rescue Me, Dennis Leary, and Jews - You have to see this...


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Survivor Island - Manti Edition

This weekend while at Erin's Parent's place in Wisconsin an idea was born. This isn't just your average, run of the mill idea. This was a fantastic idea!

Those of you who have been to this place might have noticed that there are quite a few uninhabited islands on the lake. I propose that we send a number of volunteers onto one of these islands for the day in order to compete for fabulous prizes (or a case of beer).

On this island, contestants will compete in various challenges meant to seperate the winners from the losers. Every hour or two, people will be voted off either due to performance in the aforementioned challenges or BAC test (the lowest reading of course, not the highest).

We might be able to do this yet this year or possibly next as there are some details to work out.

The only questions now is: Who's in???

Fantasy Football Anyone?

I have created a Yahoo! league, and its sole purpose is to make Norm cry. Just like this picture made me cry.

Make sure you read the rules.

ID# is 463181
Password is downwithnorm

Who wants to Golf?

I am trying to plan some golf in honor of my birthday. I am thinking Saturday around 10, or we could even go later in the afternoon.

I think we should just go to Apple Orchard and play either 9 or 18. It is a par three course is located 3/4 mile east of Route 59 on Stearns Road. Cost would be roughly $11 for 9 and $20 for $18.

Let me know,

Davey Boy HungryHair

Friday, August 11, 2006


So Fonz, what is the deal with going to the boat for this weekend? Any ideas about when to go. I might be there later on today with my family so give me a call. So any ideas for something to do this weekend as well? Softball on Sunday hopefully if everyone can make it. And by everyone I mean enough so we don't have to shut down Right Field and what not. So hopefully we can all play and have a good time.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


I just wanted to thank everyone who participated in the Manti Donation for the Walk (This includes Erin, Kate, and Eagan who all donated seperately). That was a very generous donation!! It means not only alot to me, but my family too. This goes to show how awesome our group of friends is and why I am so happy and honored to be a part of the Preying Manti. My brother knew all of you and how great you all are and how tight this group is. You were not only my friends, but his as well! Thank you sooooooo much and I hope I can return the favor someday! You've given me even more motivation going into Saturday. You guys rock...........Keep on Truckin'

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

For those of you who missed it

For all of you who couldn’t come up to my P’s place a couple of weeks ago and still want to go, you have a second chance… Dave and I are going this weekend with my friends Michelle and Billy. Krista and some of my other friends were supposed to go but they cancelled. Dave and I are worried that it might be too relaxing. So if you want to drink, fish, burn things in a bonfire, and go on the boat and waverunner please let either Dave or I know.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Does anyone want to go to the Cubs/Brewers game on Thursday in Milwaukee at 1? Right now it is only Steve and myself going. There are one possibly two tickets available for the game. You do not even have to like either team, the stadium is worth the trip. Also you get to see some of the worst people on earth(fat Wisconsin people...fat chicks). So if anyone is intrested give me a call. If you do not have my number call someone who does becuase I do not give it out.

Someone Please Help.....

Hello again. Okay here's the story, I just need ONE more person to help me out. This Saturday I am moving, and I am short one helper. This is what they need to do. They would help my brother load a UHAUL and then drive it to me here. Before you say this idea sucks, hear me out. When that person gest here they DO NOT unload, and they will be given beer and pizza (unless they prefer different food). This person would also have a ride home in the morning. there isn't much to load: a TV, futon, 8 small boxes, a table, coffee table and end table plus a minifridge. Everything is already DISASSEMBLED!!! I just need ONE person, anyone who would like to help is more than welcome. Somebody please post or call me. I am offering a case of beer and dinner to the helper for very little work followed by a night of getting wasted with my brother,Patrick, and I.......any questions call me or post.

Damn Titles!!

Last minute plea for anyone's good nature...I will be participating in "The Overnight" walk for suicide prevention. If anyone would like to make a donation before Friday I would greatly appreciate it!! All you need to do is go to www.theovernight.org and put my name in (Matt Mroz) and donate anything you feel necessary. If not, that's cool! Just remember, you're going to hell! HAHAHA! Just kidding.....actually I'm not. If you can't thanks anyways. To the rest of you canoeing in T-minus 11 days.....fuck yeah!!! To those not going......Keep on Truckin'

Who want's t go to the boat this weekend?

Does any one want to go to the boat this weeknd? I am getting the shakes it's been so long. If we don't go to the boat can we atleast get a decent size card game together.

I thought I would offer some help as to how to blog on this site. I know there was some confusion so this is how I make posts. Once you are on the blog site, on the top there is a spot that says create your own blog. I click on that, and it will take you to another page. On that page on the left hand side it says preying manti blog. Next to that, there is a plus sign for adding a new post. You can click on that, and you are all set to go. Also this is how you can add pictures to your posts. Next to the abc icon there is a picture, and if you click on that, you can add a photo to your post. I hope this helps some of you guys out there.

Friday, August 04, 2006

What time is softball?

Davey Boy - Scrotum Boxing Champion

It has come to my attention that everyone has some questions about the weblog and the old website.

Many of you have noticed that the old site is gone, and that is because its low visit count did not warrant the cost. While the old website was a lot more flexible, but it also took a lot more work - especially with the pictures. As for those pictures - there is a link on the right side of this page that links right to a web photo album containing all the old galleries, along with some new ones. It is a lot easier to update, so send me those pictures - it will only take a fraction of the time it used to. Also, there is a link to the old guestbook, though I'm not sure why you would want to use that now, and other links to some sweet websites. Finally, you can comment on any post by clicking on the comments link at the bottom of every post. This is much better than creating a whole new post.

Thanks for your participation......

Davey Boy Pancakeknees

Hey everyone. I will probally not be at Franklys tonight due to a family dinner. Also for anyone who does not wish to go to the bar this evening, come to my house. We can play cards on the deck and go for a swim and hot tub if you please. So just give me a call, and come on by. Later evil bill and ted.

Who's ready for Frankly's?

Thank you Erin for an awesome time last weekend. I am in for softball Sunday. Meet me at Frankly's at 4 if you would like. Bring on the weekend. Until next time....stay classy Manti Men. Granddaddy 'D' p.s. Can someone post the badass walleye I caught

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Another Post

What is up everybody! Man, this is hilarious with all the pictures, except the one Dave decided to give.....jerk. I'm in for softball...12 or 16 inch, kickball, whatever. Also down for the canoeing..so we are going to the same place huh? That's not very exciting. But alcohol will make that not matter..and of course the awesome male bonding and fishing...yeah...so, Chrissy, congrats on the place! Let us know when the first party is!! I'm assuming we should bring our own music? or no? Let me know. Alright...Keep on Truckin' ....alright it won't let me post a picture..so Dave do your worst.....damn it!!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Manti Fantasy Football League

I have started up a fantasy league on rtsports.com. Send me an email if you want to add a team, I will then add it and send everyone the site and the login to look at it. It is going to be $25 per team and $9 per team to run the league site. The $25 needs to be in by Sept. 10th and the $9 has to be in by October 1st. Payouts for top 3 places. Its a fun league and hope we get alot of people to join in. Up to 30 teams available so tell friends/co-workers/family if they want to join too. The more teams, the less the fee is and the more money gets paid out. Peace out

I really Like this Blogging

I am down for whatever we want to play on sunday as long as it involves bats and bases. This includes hitting Timmy with bats. I also have a kickball if anyone is interested in trying a game of kickball.

12 Inch on Sunday

Who is in to play 12 inch on Sunday and not 16. It would be more fun, and we get to use mits, which is cool. Also Dave is there any way to put pics up on the blog like they were on the manti site? Granted you haven't updated anything in about a year, but who knows. See you guys sometime soon.

Iowa does bad things to people....

Anyone else notice Chris' profile.

Specifically favorite music?

It is a sad, sad day...

August 18th through 20th

Canoeing trip part duex, is Friday August 18th through the 20th. Let me know if anyone is interested. It only costs about 35 bucks a person for the weekend.

This is the place we are camping and canoeing from

If you go you will see Andy expose himself to the nude beach and perhaps see Biff tip his canoe again.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Preying Manti Blog

Well this blogging isnew to me, so I don't know how 'll react. So far so good.Really I'll be more excited when more pics are up. Further more I move into my new place soon and will be officially and finally moved the weekend of the 11th. Anyone who wants to help that would be sweet I will purchase beer and dinner for anyone who helps. I will try to come home more now that I am less busy cause I need to play some soccer......and I miss Driscoll oodles....

New Site and Softball

Well first of all, this is pretty interesting. The blog will work out nicely. As for softball sunday you can count me in. I miss it and I believe that we should get back into it. See everyone tonight at the Kitchen and if you are going to the softball game, then i will see you there too.

The Return Of Softball Sunday ?

I realize most of us are banged up this summer but doesn anyone want to play softball this sunday? We havent played much lately.

Man, is this the end of the Manti Website?

This is pretty damn sweet!! That is pretty cool how you can post pictures and what not, plus I can use this at work, so I'm all about it!! How was the trip to Erin's? Good times, any funny stories?
I'm down for that bags tournament...that should be some good fun. It is being hosted by John and Patrick Fasso huh? When did they tie the not? How cute! Well, this is very cool, good call to whomever created it......Keep on Truckin'

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