Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Upcoming Turner Events

I got two things for people to make plans for. First, Michelle's birthday is may 7th, and she and two of her girlfriends, who are also celebrating their birthdays, are throwing a party downtown this friday at a bar called Hye...i think. Sounds like "high"....anyways, i think its around wrigleyville/wicker park area and there is one of those all you can drink deals, probably around $25 - $30. Im going down there after I get off work...probably go around 9pm. Everyone is now considered invited. Second, "The Day Of Sports" is on Saturday June 2. It has to be this day and no other day. If it doesn't happen that day then it's not going to happen. I have plans every other weekend and then Im moving June 26th. So let me know if your coming so we can make arrangements. Happy birthday to me! That is all for now. SHAZBOT! booyakasha

On a side note : My friends Glen and Sara (from streamwood) just opened a hotdog place called Wienerville at 1785 Larkin Ave in Elgin. Its about a quarter mile east of randall. I did the logo for them so go check it out. Their food is really good, and its pretty cheap too.

1 comment:

Jay said...

The deal for that party is $25 from 9pm till 1am. The address is 3707 N. Southport. Its called HYE BAR. I should be down there around 9. Hope some of you guys can make it.