Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Pekin Party

The party will have to be on June 9th. We have plans on the 19th, 26th, and 2nd. Hope everyone can come down...i'm sure we'll have a great time! If phone calls, emails, invitation, etc. are necessary, i'm going to need some help with addresses and numbers.

Hope to see everyone soon!


Chrissy Hotdogs said...

Count me in.

Jay said...

It's my birthday that weekend...im probably going to be doing family stuff and what not. Count me out.

The Friendly Hebrew said...

So I have been thinking what could make this Pekin Party even better. Then it hit me. GOLF Just like the batchlor party woodrow. Yes a Manti Golf Outing. Lets go for the first ever "Redneck Golf Outing In Pekin" Mullets, cutoff shorts, Sleveless shirts, Nike Pump shoes, Six Pack Rings hanging from your belt. First prize could be some Red Man and a Tire. Find us a place to play buddy, and remember no dress code would be nice

Mats Mrozov said...

You are most likely going to need to make some phone calls. I should have pretty much everyone's number, if not, I'm sure we can find it. You two are going to want to start calling SOON!!!

Tim said...


That's the kind of creativity we are looking for! Keep up the good work... and spread the word to all. Post back with confirmatory numbers / names...I wonder if David is coming, as I don't think he still checks his own blog...
