Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Here We Go

Ok so I haven't posted in a long time, but it's time for one. We are now less then 7 days from opening day of the Football Season. Now there is some concern from certain people about wanting to play Flag Football cause some people take it too seriously and hit hard, maybe without the intent to injure, but it can happen. Now we are all big boys, and should know that we should not try to injure our friends, and this is just for fun. I am curious to see how people feel about playing with flags, and if there is enough interest, then maybe we should give it a try. Now since people might feel weird about posting that they want to wear flags, you can do this by not logging in and putting your name down. I will be the first to say, that I would lke to play like we always have, if everyone can behave themselves. With that in mind, lets also post who is going to play on sunday, cause the bears game is that night, and we all should make it. I am looking at the soccer guys to let us know if they have a game, and what time, so we can plan accordingly. Thank you for your time.


Davey Boy said...

While I appreciate your unbridled enthusiasm, football is going to be rather difficult this weekend, and likely the entire year.

First, Johnny Football has mono, meaning he can't play for at least 6 weeks to make sure his spleen doesn't burst.

Second, my ankle is still pretty bad and I don't plan on risking my soccer season to play football.

Third, its Iowa vs. Ohio State, and I think some people are going to that.

Finally, if we are playing with flags, I might as well sit on my ass and play Madden. That will at least be somewhat exciting...

I suggest that instead we meet somewhere on Sunday afternoon and get properly innebriated for the Bears game.

Tim said...

What is the best way to defend from a Jew? How do you stoppa their claw, their Jew claw?

Biff said...

Davey boy are you saying Johnny Football might have his spleen explode like Chris Simms?

Stash the Polock said...

That sounds like a fabulous idea Davey Boy!!!

Mats Mrozov said...

Yes, football is cancelled due to many things. Mainly attendance. Who the hell is stash and bohica...I haven't been gone that long. And please DO NOT ever bring up the notion of flag football ever again. You meant well, but I can smell your vagina from here...and it is gross!

The Friendly Hebrew said...

Mats, if you read what i wrote, i was not in favor of flag football, i was just bringing up what other people had said. If there is anyone with a vagina here, it's patrick. You are not even jewish and you got stuck going to do stuff. I am jewish, and my family isn't doing anything until monday..so boo hoo to the non jew

Mats Mrozov said...

I just like the phrase boo hoo to the non jew, it is funny. As for the holiday, whatever. Jew, you seem willing and able to coordinate football. All it takes is some phone calls. I unfortunately am currently in quarantine, but will gladly show up on Sunday to watch and help set up. Note, Biff has the tools.

Mats Mrozov said...

Also note, jared, mikey and steve are all interested in playing. Do not forget about sally, jerry, and wyz. Good luck Jason...you will need it!!

Steve said...

no football this year? it wont feel like fall if we dont all see plenty of stiff-arms handed out by the BIFF! Jared said he and Mr. Mikey Negativity will be able to talk Grafolo into joining us for football whenever we start playing, or atleast make him join us.