Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Okay well I would really like to come home sometime to play some football, but I really don't think I would for flag football. C'mon nobody get hurts that bad, I mean there has only been broken fingers, busted shoulders, and a torn ACL....or was it an MCL?...Whatever, either way football isn't football until Biff is running full speed towards you and stiff arms you in the nose or running acoss the middle jumping up for a pass and having Timmy hit you from behind (not in a gay way)twice, or even when someone gets tackled out of bounds and ends up never being able to play hockey, again to make a long story short. It's just not the same with flags. On a completely unrelated note.....Hey Garrett are you free the weekend the 13th and 14th? Let me know I'd be down for coming over that weekend if you have the time. I hope to see you all soon......especially you (not in a gay way) Andy Driscoll.


Tim said...

It was an MCL, you out-of-bounds terrorist...

Anonymous said...

Ok those two hits on booby were perfectly legal and i did nothing wrong. if anyone is to blame it is opey for passing to booby two times in a row with me right behind him.

Biff said...

Timmy, every hit is legal in my opinion. If someone gets hurt that is the nature of the game. I have been hurt a few times, but I keep coming back for more because football is violent.