Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Okay well I would really like to come home sometime to play some football, but I really don't think I would for flag football. C'mon nobody get hurts that bad, I mean there has only been broken fingers, busted shoulders, and a torn ACL....or was it an MCL?...Whatever, either way football isn't football until Biff is running full speed towards you and stiff arms you in the nose or running acoss the middle jumping up for a pass and having Timmy hit you from behind (not in a gay way)twice, or even when someone gets tackled out of bounds and ends up never being able to play hockey, again to make a long story short. It's just not the same with flags. On a completely unrelated note.....Hey Garrett are you free the weekend the 13th and 14th? Let me know I'd be down for coming over that weekend if you have the time. I hope to see you all soon......especially you (not in a gay way) Andy Driscoll.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Here We Go
Ok so I haven't posted in a long time, but it's time for one. We are now less then 7 days from opening day of the Football Season. Now there is some concern from certain people about wanting to play Flag Football cause some people take it too seriously and hit hard, maybe without the intent to injure, but it can happen. Now we are all big boys, and should know that we should not try to injure our friends, and this is just for fun. I am curious to see how people feel about playing with flags, and if there is enough interest, then maybe we should give it a try. Now since people might feel weird about posting that they want to wear flags, you can do this by not logging in and putting your name down. I will be the first to say, that I would lke to play like we always have, if everyone can behave themselves. With that in mind, lets also post who is going to play on sunday, cause the bears game is that night, and we all should make it. I am looking at the soccer guys to let us know if they have a game, and what time, so we can plan accordingly. Thank you for your time.
Friday, September 22, 2006
What a handsome man!!
I tell you what.... I think I get better lookin every trip. Happy B-day Garrett. I will spank you later. I cant wait for this weekend. Old Style here I come. Hopefully see you all later. Granddaddy 'D' Go Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Hey, Remember this guy? I sorta do......
So I was just thinking October is coming soon, so I was curious as to who is coming to the Northern/Iowa football game here in Iowa? Just curious I suppose......also anything got anything going on in these coming weekends, I am always up for a drink......Driscoll, I miss you more than ever these days......
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Who's ready for some Football?!?!?

Well gentleman, it is finally that time! You should all be very excited, except for Dave, because he is a boob and went and hurt himself. Due to all of us getting older and having horribly busy schedules, planning football games has become quite difficult. Now I'm going to toss out some dates for the opening of the season, please let me know what is possible. September 24th, this would have to be at either 12:15 or 3:15. I understand all of you old men have turned to the exciting world of golf, so I'm assuming that date is a no go. Which would leave OCTOBER 1st. This day is perfect, The Bears game is not until 7:15pm. We would play at 12:15. So all you homos that can't wake up have plenty of time to sleep. Don't be gay! Spread the word, this is 2 weeks away and quite a late start to the season...which sucks! Let me know.......and don't forget...Keep on Truckin' (Note: we can try and play softball one more time this Sunday 9/17)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Super Tecmo Bowl
Add this to you Tuesday morning website surfing repitoire. This guy has some Tecmo bowl nerds re-design Super Tecmo Bowl with the current NFL players and he simulates each game every week. There's some good reading in there. I wish I could get my hands on the actual game because I would play it all the time.
Add this to you Tuesday morning website surfing repitoire. This guy has some Tecmo bowl nerds re-design Super Tecmo Bowl with the current NFL players and he simulates each game every week. There's some good reading in there. I wish I could get my hands on the actual game because I would play it all the time.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Vote on Golf

Take a vote or suggest a day you would be able to play golf (18 holes with cart). Saturday the 16th, Sunday the 17th, Saturday the 23rd, or Sunday the 24th. I would like to play Villa Olivia and use the buy 1 get 1 coupons. And I believe if we play after 3pm, it would be $35 with cart so half is not bad at all. Want to get a good group of guys out there to golf and drink.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Tubbs and Crocket rock out with their cocks out, and in eachothers mouths
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Dennis DeYoung

Friday, September 01, 2006
Anyone For Some Magic??
Ok so my dad sent me this, and if you have ever watched magic, and wanted to know where that little scarf that always vanishes goes, watch this. A little long, and you have to either open or save it, but it's funny. See everyone at franklys
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- See you at the part Richter
- Oh YEAAAA!!!!
- No title
- Football
- Here We Go
- What a handsome man!!
- Fishing????
- Hey, Remember this guy? I sorta do......
- Striking Resemblance?????
- Gentlemen not Gentleman, I know, so shut up!!
- Who's ready for some Football?!?!?
- Super Tecmo Bowl
- Vote on Golf
- Tubbs and Crocket rock out with their cocks out, a...
- Let's see you do this Timmy.....
- Champions!!!
- Dennis DeYoung
- Anyone For Some Magic??