Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


United Snow Football League

Anyone up for some snow football this weekend? Assuming the snow is still here by the weekend. Could be a sloppy good time in the slush snow. hopefully there will be no ice for me to break my ass on again. Im thinking maybe saturday during the day.


Biff said...

i am in

The Friendly Hebrew said...

I know that Norm, Drisc, and I will be in Iowa this weekend, so no football for us.

Anonymous said...

schmelzer is in and the jew norm and drisc never play football anyway

Wyz said...

I can do Sat.

Steve said...

well seeing as the past few times it has only been myself, Schmelzer, Dave, Matt, Biff, and oddly enough Chris who lives in Iowa. I think we can do with Ryan instead of chris (who i assume wont be here) and hopefully Ryan can drag Jeremy out I think we should be able to have a game.

and for you who dont play, come on there will be snow on the ground that always makes for a fun game so drag your asses out there.

Stash the Polock said...

I can't make it. Have a family party on Saturday!!!

Davey Boy said...

IN! What about Jerry, Mikey, Salgado ...

Wyz said...

Someone set a time!

Steve said...

is 2 cool with everyone, not too early not to late. I will call Mikey but I doubt Salgado will come out. can someone call Jerry I do not have his #

Mats Mrozov said...

Well well well, football it is!! Nice Steve, nice! I shall be there, of course, and I look forward to seeing the 4 of you, Looks like Team SteveDave have a new player.