Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Thanks to everyone who showed up on Sunday for the Super Bowl. Too bad the Bears didn't do the same...

I hope everyone had a good time - I think being around so many people dulled the pain a bit. If a few of us were watching at someones house I might have gone through a 12 pack and eaten everything in sight. Actually I think that happened anyway, but it would have happened much faster in a smaller group.

Anyone got anything else to add? Comments and suggestions are welcome so long as you are in no way critical of me.

Davey Boy GrumpyPants

P.S. If Peyton Manning was wearing the mustache from his one commercial I would have been okay with losing to him....


The Friendly Hebrew said...

Thanks to E for getting everything together. Boo to E for winning the fourth quarter of the game. We doing it again this weekend for the pro bowl, since there are so many bears there anyway, it's almost like a bears game.

Jay said...

Thanks to Erin and Dave for organizing something for the game. You had a hell of a party and everyone had a great time. Thanks to Biff for making the food...and the Roeing's for the massive sandwich and fruit. Maybe we can do the same for next year....hopefully!

Biff said...

Jew the Bears players are dropping out of the Pro Bowl like the Cubs chances of winning the division on April 5th.

Steve said...

The Party was definetly a sucess despite the bears. so did anyone have to split any winnings because of the extra row in the squares pool?

Davey Boy said...

Actually the Beave and someone else had to split...

And for the record, Erin's winnings went to the bartenders tip. $60 on a $930 bar tab doesn't exactly cut it...

Steve said...

she was getting tips from people though, i know me and my dad tipped her atleast $25 between the 2 of us over the night.