Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


United Snow Football League

Anyone up for some snow football this weekend? Assuming the snow is still here by the weekend. Could be a sloppy good time in the slush snow. hopefully there will be no ice for me to break my ass on again. Im thinking maybe saturday during the day.

Hoops Pick Em


Password: oneanddone

Anyone up for setting up a money tourney? $5-$10 a sheet or something?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Where's Mroz?

Oh where can he be. I do not know. Is he hiding because he wishes he can have an excellent mustache again? I would not hide with handle bars like those. You should be proud of them. The clever girls are wondering why you do not grow the stache again. Come on Mroz. Come out of hiding and reappear with the scuz.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Fantasy Baseball on yahoo is a go.

League id: 25603
Password: manti

Lets play ball

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Congrats Brutis

Was the wedding as sweet as this one?!?

Hockey This Weekend?

So at the super bowl, wyz had said that we were going to try and get a big rat hockey game going. Don't remember if it was this weekend or not. Either way, supposed to have a couple goalies and what not, so is it still on Wyzr? Holla Back

Monday, February 12, 2007

Las Vegas is for Mullets

I have never seen so many mullets before in my life. The mullet seems to be popular with the unattractive females. The cowboy hat is also very popular. NASCAR fans would fit in quite well in Vegas because there are people with all different types of mullets especially with negative sideburns. Timmy your negatives do not even come close to the goofs with the major negatives.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Stupid Bears...

Photos have been uploaded...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Coming in March

Alright, this is kind of gay, but I know it will excite alot of you!!! You know who you are!!

I think it is going to be swweeeeeeeeet!!! Keep on Truckin'


Thanks to everyone who showed up on Sunday for the Super Bowl. Too bad the Bears didn't do the same...

I hope everyone had a good time - I think being around so many people dulled the pain a bit. If a few of us were watching at someones house I might have gone through a 12 pack and eaten everything in sight. Actually I think that happened anyway, but it would have happened much faster in a smaller group.

Anyone got anything else to add? Comments and suggestions are welcome so long as you are in no way critical of me.

Davey Boy GrumpyPants

P.S. If Peyton Manning was wearing the mustache from his one commercial I would have been okay with losing to him....

Sunday, February 04, 2007


It is 6 hours and twenty minutes till kick off. They will win 20-19. If anyone can tell me who it is in the picture then they really know the bears. I will know if you cheat to find this out because he was awesome. Go Bears and NASCAR is for mullets.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Fantasy Nascar

Don't know who all likes Nascar, but I started a fantasy league.
League # 2093
Password is either Pussy or Pussies. I can't remember!


Well everyone the weekend is finally upon us. For those of you who want to play hockey this weekend, pond by Turner's house at 1:00pm. Come on out and lets have a good time. Also the Super Bowl on Sunday. Dave please post again times, direction, shit like that. See everyone there and Go Bears!!!