Well everyone, it has been under 32 for a while now, and I think this is a good time to play some pond. There is a long list of people for the super bowl, and hopefully they can make it. I think we should play on Sat, over by Jay's house. Lots of ice over there, and could be a good time. Now, I don't know about goals, but I know wyz has pads, and I am going to say that I would be willing to play goal too. If we could get someone else to play also, we could get a real good game. I am looking at you Woody. Mr. Under Armor himself could be the ref, and run around on the ice. I think this would be lots of fun.
I will show up when people show for football...
I will agree with you Dave.
Yea, cause I am pretty sure we have had football games where a lot of people show up. I can remember a couple times when we even had subs for football. Like that time that my girlfriend couldn't catch the ball and dave almost broke her nose. So Dave, don't boycot the ice hockey just cause you can't skate and keep using that football excuse while it's still winter, cause soon you will be saying "I will show up when people show up for softball"
I don't understand your point...
I said I will not show up until people show for football. I didn't tell anyone else not to play.
You know that I'm in and yes I do have goalie pads. The football thing is bull shit, when I am told we are playing on Saturday and plan to work on sunday it's not my fault someone went and changed the day.
Yes Wyz, Yes. I talked with turner and Scaccia, and they are both in. The beave would probally play, as well as bobby since he missed it last time. Lets get a big game.
I'm just going to let this one go, Except, I hope the ice breaks when you guys are in the middle of a game. That is all.
Yeah....cause it's been so warm out lately and the ice is rather thin. I think this is the first time us hockey players have asked everyone to try and get a game together. I know I don't play football, like ever, but I did play a few times. Whatever...it would be boring playing with you suck asses anyways.
Who watches or plays hockey anyways? The NHL All-Star game got beat out by the Andy Griffith Show. Headed to Miami. Have fun Sunday. Go Bears!
I can't skate because I just do not know how but if you guys play I will drink and watch. You guys should play some utes so you guys can kick their asses. Beating you people always makes you feel good about yourself.
I was making a joke before, I could give a shit if you guys play hockey, I'm with Biff, I'd come drink, drink away my sorrows of not being a hockey player...wah wah!
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