Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


So I was thinking that I come home here and there, but I only see certain groups of people at a time. Well, I think we should organize a "Feaster "party over Easter Weekend. A party where everyone has to bring some sort of food item (crave case, sack of tacos, bean caserole, etc) and we all party together. Several things are needed obviuosly and most important is a hosting site. This is plenty of notice for something, and if Woody reads this...I would even travel to Pekin. To those who doubt anything happening, whereever we go I promise to buy a Keg of the most voted wanted beer. C'mon people its been a real long time since a Manti party has been in full effect. Lets get a list of people who would attend, along with a place to hold such a glorious event. Remember....Klokowski (me!) will BUY a keg....all you need is a cup.....lets make a party!!!!!


Mats Mrozov said...

I'm totally down! Have you talked to anyone who is a home owner? or possibly someone with a open house? I agree with you, it has been a while since we had ourselves a good old get together, probably Thanksgiving. Let me know when and where and I'll be there!!!

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