Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


So I was thinking that I come home here and there, but I only see certain groups of people at a time. Well, I think we should organize a "Feaster "party over Easter Weekend. A party where everyone has to bring some sort of food item (crave case, sack of tacos, bean caserole, etc) and we all party together. Several things are needed obviuosly and most important is a hosting site. This is plenty of notice for something, and if Woody reads this...I would even travel to Pekin. To those who doubt anything happening, whereever we go I promise to buy a Keg of the most voted wanted beer. C'mon people its been a real long time since a Manti party has been in full effect. Lets get a list of people who would attend, along with a place to hold such a glorious event. Remember....Klokowski (me!) will BUY a keg....all you need is a cup.....lets make a party!!!!!

Party After the Party

Just thought I'd let you all know that my friend Brian (you know him as Buzzsaw for his bags playing abilities) is having a drink all you can party at 10:00pm the same night as Salgado's and Kelly's so, once we drink all we can at Cans we can do it again at McGee's if you're interested. See invite below:

Invite whoever you want.
WHEN: Saturday, March 31st, 10 pm - ??
WHERE: McGee's (950 West Webster, Chicago, 60614) - mcgeestavern.com
WHAT: Celebrate Brian Dusak turning 25 and saving money on his car insurance...Drew turns 17, maybe 18, will attempt to drink like a real boy.
THIRSTY?: From 10 pm to 1 am, $25 AYCD (all you can drink) includes imported and domestic drafts, wine, and call drinks (supposedly this includes top shelf shit - leave that Boone's at home), and red bull stuff All usual party invite rules apply - forward this to whomever we might have missed, Drew and Brian not responsible for any blackouts or trouble with the 5-0, beware the inevitable dance-off, etc...
Note - McGee's tends to overcrowd itself, and could potentially be jammed before 10 p.m. - the Florida/UCLA game starts at 7:45, and Florida should be done beating UCLA's ass by 10:30 or so. Hope to see you there (if we don't remember seeing you, it's probably because we will be drinking a lot).

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sally and Kelly's Birthday Celebration, Saturday March 31st

Hey everyone. We are having a little party for Chris and Kelly since they are both turning 25 in April. We are going to Cans in the city. It is in Bucktown. Kelly is offering her place if anyone would like to stay overnight and not have to worry about driving home. If you are interested Kelly's address is:
1749 N. Wells
Apt. 603
Chicago, IL 60614

We will meet at her place around 7:30. Otherwise you can meet us at Cans whenever you like. The address for Cans is:

Cans Bar and Canteen
1640 N. Damen
Chicago, IL 60647Feel free to let everyone know about the get together. If you have any questions you can give Gina a call at 847-975-8946 or email her at ginaparise@hotmail.com.

Hope to see everyone there.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


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Monday, March 19, 2007

Lets Try It Again

So this Sunday is supposed to be near 60. Who would play a softball game? I don't care where or when, so pick that. So who would play and where do you want to play. Lets start with that.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Southside Irish Parade

I know people are busy with their lives on the weekends, bit Sunday is the parade. It starts in the morning. We should get a huge group and go down there and party. I do not like the Irish but hey I want to party like it is the potato famine.

Southside Irish Parade

I know people are busy with their lives on the weekends, bit Sunday is the parade. It starts in the morning. We should get a huge group and go down there and party. I do not like the Irish but hey I want to party like it is the potato famine.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Spring Training?

Anyone up for some Spring Training this weekend? Should be around 50 on sunday, and no better time then now to get going. So lets see who would want to play, and try to get a game in.