Random thoughts and musings. Published by the Preying Manti themselves.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Day of sports is this saturday!!! It will be held at my house, unless you guys have a different place in mind. I think that the sports will include: Fishing, Croquet (if steve can bring it), VolleyBall (If i can find my net and ball) Wiffle Ball (if dave can bring his stuff), and possibly some Bags (again if dave can bring it) Maybe a foot race or two...Any other sports are welcome. Come over to my house around 2pm? If everyone can bring something, maybe some beer, food, ice, a cooler. I'll do some cooking on the grill and provide some music for your dancing pleasure.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Canoeing Dates

Here are the dates for the annual canoeing trips, we are gonna make 2 trips again this summer. The first will be on the weekend of June 15th-17th and the second trip will be the weekend of August 3rd-5th. All are welcome to go with exception of the ladies (sorry ladies) its about $30 per person for the camping and canoe rental and we usually get up there on firday at various times, camp at the campsite friday night and hit the river saturday morning, camp on the river saturday night and return on sunday. Its a good time had by all, and Biff might drink a warm beer from your crotch on his hands and knees if you are lucky.

If you enjoy any and all of these activities, this trip is for you:
Playing Sand Wiffle Ball
Taking a Dump in the River
Seeing Driscols Penis
Seeing mustaches
Going Blind from smoking a joint
Building Fires
Getting 3rd degree sunburn
Getting Hand Jobs from River Rats
Eating a burger you dropped in the sand
Getting Stung by a Bee on your ass
Seeing Driscolls white ass
Getting shot with an airsoft gun and tipping your canoe
Claiming you saw an alligator
Leaving garbage in the canoe of the girl who gave you a handjob the night before before she wakes up in the morning
and more drinking.

Let Schmelzer know if you want to go to both/either trip

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Stink Bomb

Pirates of the Carribean comes out on Thursday night at 8pm and it is worthy of a stink bombing. It was funny when we hit the Pink Panther movie and this movie will have a larger audience on opening night. I am willing to do this but there must be others who are going to this. I am looking at you Mr Tedesco and Mr Oz. It will be glorious like having sex while eating a hoagie.

Monday, May 07, 2007


Varvaris...I need your address also. Please, everyone, check your parent's mail. Many of you have moved since the wedding and I don't have current addresses for you. For most of you, the party invitations went to the same address as the wedding invitation. If you don't receive one in the mail by the end of the week, call your mom...i'm sure she has it:)


White Trash Weeken' in Pekin

Hi guys...the only address I don't have is Norm's. Also, i need his complete name and his girlfriend's name. Help with this would be very much appreciated as I am getting ready to send out the invitations. Thanks!


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Is it time to retire the Blog??? How bout we go Canoeing?

I am as much suspect as everyone else, but the non-participation on this blogger reminds me of the fall of the old Manti site. Sad.
Well, Anyways, I need someone to pick a date for canoeing this year. An official date. Please!!! I was hoping for the 23rd and 24th of June??? Keep on Truckin'